The Kampong Cham Bamboo Bridge in Cambodia was the world’s longest bamboo bridge. Back in 2016, I was among the last few people to cross the bridge (or so I thought). This post is a recollection of my experience. At the end of the post, you’ll find an update about the current status of the bamboo bridge.

Phnom Penh sometimes feels like one big construction site.

But once you get out of the city, it’s easy to forget that Cambodia as a whole is a country in flux.

Kampot has a sleepy veneer, but monstrous tourism developments threaten to change this riverside town forever. Offshore islands are slated for a similar fate, and land appropriation continues to infringe on landscapes in Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri.

Koh Pen Bridge in Kampong Cham is a powerful symbol of Cambodia’s changing landscape.

It exposes the tensions between old and new.

It asks us, what takes precedence: making life easier for locals, or preserving relics from Cambodia’s past for tourist consumption?

Crossing the world’s longest bamboo bridge

We were incredibly lucky to be in Kampong Cham on the day the 2016 Koh Pen bamboo bridge opened. We caught our first glimpse of the snaking bridge from the backseat of a tuk-tuk, and I was honestly blown away by the sheer scale of it.

Our visit was made all the more special by the news that 2016 would be the last year the bridge is in service. It’s soon to be replaced by a multi-lane concrete bridge that is under construction just downstream.

So, Koh Pen Bridge will hold the title of the longest bamboo bridge in the world for a few more months at least.

A woman on a push bike rides down a dirt path with stacks of bamboo poles on either side.

Stretching some 1 km across the turgid waters of the Mekong, the bridge connects Koh Pen island with mainland Kampong Cham’s western bank.

Made completely of bamboo, it’s strong and wide enough to carry a small car (we saw a few pass over the bridge while we were there).

Small light globes strung along bamboo poles guide evening and pre-dawn commuters, and fishermen dock at the bamboo jetty three-quarters of the way down the bridge.

A new bridge every year

When I last visited Kampong Cham in early August, there was no trace of the bridge at all. At the start of each rainy season (around June), the bridge is dismantled by hand and the bamboo materials stored away.

The Mekong’s surges during the middle part of the year are just too strong for the bridge to survive. Ferry boat services shuttle school children and market-goers from bank to bank instead.

A close shot of the bamboo poles used to construct the Kampong Cham bamboo bridge.

Once the waters have receded far enough and the Mekong’s currents have subdued, construction on a new bridge commences. The process takes about a month to complete and employs dozens of men from the surrounding villages.

First, tall bamboo poles are rammed into the riverbed and another layer of horizontal poles added on top. More poles at different angles brace the foundation. The pattern they create reminds me of a similar cross-hatch on the underside of U Bein Bridge in Myanmar, the world’s longest teak bridge.

The top of Koh Pen Bridge is made up of relatively flat strips of bamboo. Sandwiched together in a thick sheet, the surface is reinforced with three vertical lengths of bamboo that run the length of the bridge and act as lane markers.

I didn’t see any evidence of nails – only wires twisted like cable ties to secure the poles together.

The bridge is a lot lower than I expected, skimming the surface of the river in places. Its bamboo stilts reach highest on the Kampong Cham side, where I took most of these photos.

A single man in a straw hat walks across the Kampong Cham bamboo bridge, a huge bridge made of bamboo.

The bridge is open to all modes of transport – pedestrians, cyclists, tuk-tuks, motos and small cars. Riding our bikes over the bamboo was surprisingly difficult. None of the thousands upon thousands of horizontal-running bamboo striations are quite level, so it’s a slippery, bumpy ride and a hard push to get up and over the different layers.

Speeding motorbikes send shock waves across the bridge, threatening to throw unsteady travellers off their feet and onto a menacing row of blunt bamboo spikes that line the bridge’s edge.

For all its difficulty, riding across Koh Pen Bridge was the highlight of our recent trip to Kampong Cham.

The villages of Koh Pen on the other side are verdant and idyllic – the perfect setting for a lazy afternoon bike ride.

Five men ride motorcycles across a long bamboo bridge over a light brown river.

The tides of change

Once we finished our ride and returned to Kampong Cham, we ran into a man who teaches English in town but lives over on Koh Pen. He’s one of hundreds who use this bridge for their daily commute during the dry season.

For residents of Koh Pen’s humble villages, watching the bridge go up in November must feel like you’re being extended a lifeline.

Our new friend confirmed that this was the first day of the 2016 season and that next year, the new bridge (still just an eerie shadow rising in the distance) would take the bamboo bridge’s place.

Update August 2019: In March 2019, for the first time in generations, local residents of Kampong Cham and Koh Pen decided not to erect their bamboo bridge. A new concrete bridge – the one I referred to in this post – was finally completed, usurping the bamboo construction once and for all.

In December 2018, locals decided to fund their own smaller bamboo pedestrian bridge for tourists. It costs 2,000 Riel to cross the bridge by foot or bicycle. If all goes well, it will be an annual event every dry season.

Although it’s sad to see the original bridge go, I’m heartened that residents have decided to keep this part of their heritage alive by building a smaller bamboo bridge. I hope it’s the start of a new tradition for Kampong Cham.

Kampong Cham bamboo bridge: Pin it.
The Kampong Cham Bamboo Bridge in Cambodia is the world's longest bamboo bridge. Cycling over the bridge is one of the best things to do in Kampong Cham.


  1. Hi Emily, nice post, very interesting! Do you know if the bridge has been constructed and is operating in December 2016? The date of your post was in December but by the sounds of it the bridge was taken down earlier in the year. Thanks for any advice you may have!

    1. Hi Kevin,

      Sorry for any confusion – the bridge is now up and will remain standing until the start of the next wet season, around June 2017. I was told by numerous sources that the current bridge will be the last. So yes, you can see and travel on the bridge right now, up until June!


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