Looking to enrich your next travel experience? Here are 10 practical tips for mindful travel that will help you to live in the moment and get the most out of your trip.

About the author: Lucile Hernandez Rodriguez is the Registered Yoga Teacher, Blogger and Mindful Business Advisor behind lucilehr.com.

Travelling is almost always a fun and exciting experience that gives you the opportunity to learn new things, discover different cultures and explore the unknown. Travel is filled with surprises – some may disappoint you, but most of the time travel can be unexpectedly wonderful.

The best way to really enjoy your chosen travel destination is to live a mindful lifestyle. You can make the most of any experience with the right attitude. Savour the moment and be in awe of your surroundings by bringing mindfulness to your travels.

If you’re not sure how to start, keep reading for my top tips on how to become a more mindful traveller.

Mindful travel tips

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What is mindfulness, and what does it have to do with travel?

Mindfulness is placing a gentle awareness on the experiences of the present moment as well as what is happening inside you: your thoughts, feelings and sensations.

This means you are paying attention to what you’re hearing, seeing, feeling and everything that you do.

By being mindful, you accept all that’s happening around you without any judgment and without getting distracted by thoughts of the past or future.

In short, you can fully live in the present.

Mindfulness is often associated with meditation. Having a meditation practice can really help you to be more mindful, especially when you’re getting started. What is most important, though, is bringing the benefits of that practice into your daily routine (and into your travel routine, too).

Why pursue mindful travel?

Practicing mindfulness as you travel helps you to slow down and savour the wonderful things life has to offer. Instead of ticking off a list of countries or cities to visit, you’re more likely to take the time to stop and appreciate your stay.

As you pay attention to your surroundings, you’ll become more curious. And when you’re curious, you tend to find out more and discover more – which will then make your journey a lot more meaningful.

Travelling with an open mind also helps you get to know yourself better. Mindful travel is perfect for self-discovery as you become aware of how your thoughts, feelings and sensations are impacting your reality.

10 tips to become a more mindful traveller

Here are 10 concrete ways to practice mindfulness while travelling. These tips should help you enjoy the journey even more.

1. Let go of expectations

It’s normal for most people to build up their expectations of a destination. Often we wish to experience the same things as people on social media or TV – and when our experience is different, there tends to be dissatisfaction.

Instead of forming expectations of what a place needs to have, how it should be, what the food should taste like, or that a certain area should look like it should in pictures, learn to let go. Be prepared for what’s to come and you might just have the surprise of your life.

2. Pack light

Carting around heavy bags can be stressful in itself. To free yourself of that hassle, choose to travel light and only pack items that are essential. Getting to different places is also so much easier when you don’t have to lug around bags. And of course, less baggage means less worries

If you’re taking a long-haul flight, it’s still possible to travel light. All it takes is bringing travel essentials that can help reach your mindfulness and wellness goals. Click here for tips on how to pack for a long-haul flight to feel good when you arrive.

3. Meet the locals

Meeting the locals is one of the best things about travelling. There’s nothing more exciting than meeting and connecting with people from all walks of life and hearing their stories. Just by starting a simple conversation you can start to appreciate what life is like and learn more about a place’s history and culture.

One way you can do this is by visiting the local market. You’ll be hitting two birds with one stone: you get fresh produce to cook healthy meals, and you get to talk with the locals at the same time. Just connecting with people can make your trip all the more memorable.

4. Go for meditative walks

Practicing meditation is part of living a mindful lifestyle, but you don’t have to sit in silence for hours to do it. And of course, you can still meditate even if you’re on the go. Taking meditative walks is one way to do this, and there’s plenty of opportunity when you’re travelling.

Research local parks and green spaces where you can take some quiet walks. Or, start with a popular tourist attraction but approach it at a different pace. Slow it down and observe your surroundings as you explore the area.

5. Take time for mindful travel

Since mindfulness is all about paying attention, that means you need to slow yourself down and observe your sensations and surroundings. Often travellers want to cross so many things off their list that they fail to savour each moment, rushing from one landmark, city or country to the next.

Taking your time with travel lets you relax and avoid any anxiety caused by rushing. Do not put a time limit to your adventures. Instead, slow down and get a deeper feel for the place.

6. Practice zero-waste

Sustainable travel is interwoven with mindful travel. Travelling responsibly means being conscious about how your actions affect the local environment. There are several ways to become a more sustainable traveller, but one way to start is by practicing a zero-waste lifestyle.

It can be challenging to jump straight to this kind of lifestyle, but taking the first step is a great start. Make small changes in the choice of items you use everyday, especially when you’re travelling.

I have compiled a list of zero waste swaps that you can easily make to ensure your pack is more sustainable. You can read all about it here.

7. Practice gratitude

Several scientific studies have shown how gratitude can have a positive effect on your well-being. Practicing it as you travel will always make for a more mindful experience.

Remember that being able to travel is already something to be grateful for, as many people never get a chance to do the same.

Be thankful for every day that you get to have an adventure. An easy way to do this is by keeping a gratitude journal with you, either a physical notebook or a mobile app.

8. Watch what you eat

It’s easy to fall out of your healthy eating habits when travelling, considering you’ll be presented with plenty of delectable choices. But it’s important to accept that there may be changes to your diet when you’re on the move.

What matters most here is that you are open to new things. When trying out foods you’ve never had or dishes you can’t find back home, do so mindfully.

Mindful eating means taking your time when eating. Try taking smaller bites and chewing a lot slower than you normally would. This lets you savour the unique tastes on your palate and bring greater awareness to the moment.

9. Be curious

A great strategy to enrich your travels is to seek out places in your chosen destination that are less popular with tourists. Oftentimes this is the pathway to the best adventure of your life.

There’s nothing wrong with being curious when you travel, so ask questions of locals and tap into their knowledge. Learn as much as you can about the destination to enhance your mindful travel experience.

10. Get some rest & do some meditation

Jet lag is one of the more unpleasant aspects of travelling. It can shake up your routine and sleeping habits. It’s essential to ensure you get a good sleep so you can be your best when you wake up, ready to take on a new adventure.

Even if you’re in a new place, you can still establish a nighttime routine to help you relax and ease into sleep. Try incorporating meditation to help clear your mind of any troubling thoughts that might hinder sleep.

Meditating even for five minutes a day can really make you more mindful. Start with easy meditation techniques and practice everyday if you can.

As with every habit, don’t try to take on too much. It’s more important to be consistent. Practicing five minutes a day for a few months is much more powerful than doing one hour a day from time to time.

Mindful travel: Final thoughts

Mindfulness is a wonderful tool to incorporate into your travels. Focus on what’s around you and don’t worry too much about what could happen, your itinerary, or taking the perfect photos for Instagram.

Being present and aware of your surroundings allows you to enjoy the moment – and that always makes travel all the more meaningful.

Another thing to keep in mind is that mindfulness should not only be observed when travelling. If you practice being mindful on the daily, you’ll make it a habit.

And when mindfulness becomes a habit, it doesn’t matter where you go –  you will always see the benefits.

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